Kood Weed

Most beautiful places in Koh Kood

waterfall koh kood

Koh Kood is a beautiful island in Thailand. It has many beautiful beaches, waterfalls and caves to explore. Here are some of the most beautiful places in this area:

Koh Kood waterfalls

Koh Kood is a small island located in the Gulf of Thailand. The best time to visit is during October, November, and December when the weather is warm and sunny with temperatures between 25°C (77°F) and 30°C (86°F). You can get there by ferry from Ko Samui or by plane from Bangkok. Both options take approximately 2 hours depending on how long it takes you to travel between the two cities.

Ao Klong Chao Waterfall Park is located in Phitsanulok province. It has several pools with crystal clear water that cascade down through limestone cliffs into rapids below, creating an impressive sight for those willing to venture out into nature!

waterfall koh kood

Ao Yai

Ao Yai is a beautiful beach in Koh Kood with white sand, surrounded by jungles and a nice view of the sunset. It also has a shallow bay where you can swim and snorkel, which makes it perfect for kids. The water is clean and clear, so you don’t have to worry about getting sick from any bacteria or parasites.

Ao Yai is located right next door to Ao Phang Nga (the largest province on Koh Kood). If you want to see more of this island paradise then make sure that you visit its neighbours: Ao Nai Panom, Ao Bang Sao Mai and Ao Bang Khong Sai!


Klong Chao

In Klong Chao, you can get away from the crowds and enjoy some of the most beautiful natural places in Koh Kood. This small village is situated on an island in the Gulf of Thailand, about 15 minutes away from Phuket by boat. The best times to visit are between May and September when there are fewer people around.

Bang Bao Bay

Bang Bao Bay is a small bay on the east coast of Koh Kood. It’s a popular snorkeling spot, as well as being a great place to see fish and coral reefs. The bay is surrounded by limestone cliffs that rise up from the water to form cliffs above it, making it an ideal location for fishing excursions or even just relaxing at one end of your boat while looking out over these picturesque views!

This part of Thailand has been called “the bay of love” because many people believe that they can find their soul mate here—if only they knew how hard it was going to be finding someone else who wants anything but love with them!

landscape koh kood

This is a list of places to visit in Koh Kood

The Southern Ridges: This is a beautiful stretch of coastline that can be reached by taking a boat from Thong Sala. It’s also home to some of Thailand’s most spectacular beaches. Including Koh Kood and Koh Kai.

The Floating Market: This floating market was once an important source of income for the local fishermen. But it has since fallen into disrepair due to lack of maintenance and funding. 

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